hi i’m emily and today i’m going to show you around the university of sydney there’s a lot of history here at the uni and you can’t help but feel part of something bigger when you step on campus one of the things that i really like about the university is the sense of community that exists here and i think it’s the grounds and the space that really allows that students used to play tennis in the middle of the quad right here today this space and the surrounding lawns are a place for teaching events lots of great photo opportunities and of course hanging out with friends you can see why this whole place is known as the oxford of the southern hemisphere and this is the great hall the first and last stop for a lot of students where we have graduations and welcome new students from overseas if you look up you’ll see 12 carved wooden angels they’re carrying books and scrolls inscribed with symbols referring to the arts and sciences there’s a lot more history here like this this is the anderson stuart building formerly known as the old medical school this building is home to the university’s first human dissection labs since then our network of clinical schools has grown to include 10 major metropolitan and rural teaching hospitals and it’s not just health and medicine with campuses all around about 70 kilometers that way you’ll find our camden farms aside from agriculture and vet students getting hands-on with plants crops and animals you’ll see plenty of wildlife with regular visits from the locals the uni has 18 farms in new south wales spanning over 12 000 hectares the university’s westmead campus will open its new education and clinical facilities in 2021 in all these places health students will get to be in real life clinical settings from their first year and then there’s this this is the susan wacho building it brings together all the health disciplines under the one roof inside there are brand new simulation facilities a multi-service clinic and a rehabilitation gym as well as teaching research and support spaces speaking of gym spaces there’s no end of sports facilities at the uni there’s the sports and aquatic centre an indoor climbing centre tennis courts and squash courts any type of sport goes on here including of course quidditch the university’s facilities are one of the best things about studying here especially places like this the abercrombie building one of my favorite study spots and home to our business school the views of sydney at the top are also pretty cool [Music] i find my experience studying youtube very engaging and rewarding i get to meet people from all over the world and make friends with them for myself learning on campus really motivates me to find the areas i’m truly passionate about here’s sydney college of the arts brand new facilities it has traditional fine arts and crafts film and digital labs you can create almost anything here both physical and virtual then there’s the new multi-purpose social sciences building near the social sciences building is courtyard cafe it’s a great place to have a drink and catch up with some friends there’s no end to great cafes and shops around campus and you get to courtyard cafe via the legendary graffiti tunnel and a place for creative expression you can spray paint write slogans and create street art it’s a use of students right of passage just here researchers and students are deepening their knowledge of the tiniest things in the universe at the nanoscience hub and this is the quantum lab the clean room where every 68 seconds all the air is replaced completely not a single stray hair is allowed inside this is fisher library with around 5.2 million items the university of sydney has the largest academic library in the southern hemisphere the library has an incredible range of rare books hidden down here and i’ve always loved checking them out some of them are over 500 years old and then there’s the facilities for our law students how’s this for a study spot or the moot courtroom to prepare for the real deal but you’re probably not coming to uni just to see the books but to actually do things make things experiment the university has heaps of facilities workshops and labs for any discipline just inside here is one of australia’s best-equipped fabrication and prototyping labs the design modeling and fabrication lab we say d-maf around here includes a wide range of robotic arms 3d printers laser cutters and basically a whole lot of cool stuff but i better leave it to the experts to use it you’ll get in the field experience and interact with new and diverse environments all without leaving campus i love that there are so many cool things that i can use in order to explore my creative side and create these amazing works of art just a few minutes walk along city road and you’ll find the newly built life earth and environmental sciences building home to some of the many science labs we have on campus our immersive learning lab is the largest of its kind in australia there are several new precincts that are opening soon this engineering precinct is opening in 2021 it may not be finished just yet but trust me it’s gonna look like this i think the best thing about studying engineering at uc is definitely the fact that you are learning under one of the best faculties in the world and using top-of-the-line infrastructure every day this is the conservatorium of music and here you will truly experience the music industry in action it’s home to five performance venues like this the verbruggen hall sound mixing studios and not to mention some world-class talent and it’s also located right next to the sydney botanical gardens and sydney opera house pretty incredible one of my favorite things about living and studying in sydney is being able to be so close to the city but also a bus ride away from the beach if you want a break from your studies you can always go to the beach with your friends and have a chill time that’s what’s great about the main campus it’s only a 10 minute bus ride from the centre of sydney it’s only a 20 minute walk from central station to the university as well so you’re pretty much at the center of everything here i like to mix it up sometimes i get the bus in the train sometimes i get the ferry if it’s a nice day or i drive you want to make sure your time at uni is one to remember and that can start with where you live there are two main kinds of accommodation on the camperdown darlington campus university residences like this one the queen mary building or residential colleges rich in history and tradition every college offers a living experience that will let you study and enjoy your busy social calendar they offer three catered meals a day laundry services and a strong support network i think living on campus has really helped me grow as an individual and have a community a home away from home so i’m really grateful for the convenience the community and the confidence i have in the staff to help me through my journey and your university experience won’t be anything without all the incredible opportunities to make friends there are so many clubs and societies that you can get involved with on campus i personally as a media student have loved getting involved with things like reporting for the student newspaper oni soir doing student radio at surge and getting involved with the media and communication society that just scratches the surface of why the university of sydney is such a great place to pursue your studies and follow your interests i hope we’ll see you on campus soon you